Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I'm Not The Greatest Parent

Okay, I have posted this video in several spots. I don't know why it has taken a day to land here, but here it is. I haven't seen a decent snowfall in 10 years. Owie and Anders haven't ever seen a really decent snow.Yesterday we awoke to 7 inches of powder. So, we went outside at about 8:00 am so I could show them how to make a snowball. Please enjoy 55 seconds that I may never live down. Those kids built a lot of character yesterday morning.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

I Love Hot Wheels

I used to love setting up my Hot Wheels track when I was a kid. Things are a little more involved nowadays yet most of this stuff is still basically the same. It only took about an hour to set this up for the boys. It was kind of like the old Mousetrap game.

It Is All About The Butt

Smokin Pork
Decided to smoke some pork butts on a Saturday night. Fired up the smoker about 9:30 pm and got the butts on the heat about 10:45 pm. Cooked them overnight and into the afternoon for a total of 14 hours. They were well received.

Thanksgiving was months ago.......

Yep I know. What can I say, here are the pictures.

Catching Up

Okay, I have been lax. Here are the few Halloween pictures that I took of the boys. It was a very busy evening and I unfortunately didn't do such a great job.

Card Flip at Carter Finley

Don't know why I haven't already posted this. I took this FLIP video at the NC State vs FSU game on a Thursday night this season at Carter Finley. I posted it to You Tube a couple months ago and it now has more views than any other video I have posted.

New Years Day

Over at a friends house with a few guys watching bowl games and hockey. A quick inventory:
Many beers, wings, pizza, ham biscuits, tequila.........